Generate ideas with an open survey


Use AllOurIdeas to vote on existing ideas and allow people to add new ones into a simple survey. In the end the best ideas ‘bubble up’ to the surface.


Small to medium sized groups.


Sign up at the website.



What is it and why should I use it?

AllOurIdeas is an open survey tool created by Princeton University. It’s quick and easy to set up and easy to use. Users vote on existing suggestions and can add their own ideas.

How do I use it?

  • Start with a question and add some seed ideas, and you can create a survey in moments.
  • The people you invite vote on ideas and add new ones.
  • Discover the best ideas!

The best ideas often come from the users, cats like you and me!

Resources & Links

It shows to me the value of being open. If the cities had the best 10 ideas from the beginning, there is no need to do something that is open, but the fact that the ideas are uploaded by users and scored, shows that there is something to be learnt by this process.
Matthew Salganik, Princeton University