Decide on an issue by exploring arguments and objectives


Use Loomio to make decisions without a mess of emails or meetings. Invite anyone to your conversation, structure the debate and finally vote. Easy right?


Small to medium sized groups


Sign up or log in with Facebook to create a group


Easy. Use on website or iPhone or Android app

What is it and why should I use it?

Loomio is an online meeting tool. It’s easy to use and accessible, enabling you to engage with people in a facilitated conversation. Anyone can participate in decisions that affect them.

How do I use it?

  • Start a group to collaborate with people on Loomio
  • Invite people into your group
  • Start a discussion on any topic
  • Make a proposal to see how everyone feels about a particular course of action
  • Decide together - anyone can agree, abstain, disagree, or block – so you can see how everyone feels about the proposal.

The FREE version is great! You can also upgrade (and pay) for more features like your own URL.

Loomio allowed us to expand on what would typically be the local town hall meeting, and reach many more people. We reached people that otherwise wouldn't have contributed to the conversation, including marginalised populations and youth.
Tom MacDiarmid, Statistics New Zealand