Citizen platform for Gothenburg
Sanna Ghotbi, local politician, researches the possibilities for a tool for direct democracy in Gothenburg.

What is the aim of the project?
My project is about researching examples of digital direct democracy in other local councils around the world, to be able to create something similar in Gothenburg.
Why do we need it?
We live in a time where modern technology is making a lot of aspects in our daily lives easier. Digital technology is changing most aspects of society, but the political realm is still almost unaffected by it. But lately there has been something of a digital revolution in politics. Economic crises and increasing inequality has led people to protest against corruption and undemocratic structures and citizens all around the world have started movements and citizen platforms for transparency and inclusion.

What is your inspiration for the project?
In countries like Spain, France, Iceland, Brazil and Taiwan initiatives like participatory budgets and citizen platforms has been successful. In Paris, the city has put aside 500 million euros for a participatory budget until 2020, that the citizens will decide about. There are lots of other examples of open source web platforms for citizen suggestions and budgeting.
What’s happening in the project
The ambition is to create something similar in Gothenburg. It is a long process and I will do more research and interview key people in international projects. It will be a long road to a digital tool for direct democracy, but why not start in a democracy lab in Gothenburg!
Project manager

Sanna Ghotbi
Active in many campaigns, among others No One Is Illegal, Friends of the Earth and representing the feminist party in the local council.