Participatory platforms and PR
Internship to develop participatory platforms and public relations management.

Communication and events
During my time at Digidem Lab I was involved in the organization and participated in training events, such as workshops and hackathons. These events focused on digital tools for communication and decision-making for organizations, such as Loomio. It was great to see the interest of participants and to help them using the tools. At the same time, I gained insight into the preparation for events, into different aspects that are necessary to run them. Part of that was the public relations management that is important for a young organization as Digidem Lab. Especially in regards to social media I could support the team and help to raise public awareness for the existence and work of Digidem Lab.
Finally, I gained insight into the development and architecture of a participatory online platform (G2C/C2C) for municipalities and organizations. In this context I translated parts of the software from English into German. It helped me to extend my knowledge and understanding of such a software.
Hopes for the future
What I find most exciting about this topic are the potentials for a more open and transparent public sector. It will allow people to participate in policy making and to better understand public organizations and their processes. I am very greatful to Anna, Petter and Sanna for the opportunity to learn from them by giving me insight into the different aspects of their work. I hope that Digidem Lab will receive even more support and interest in the future to create a more open and engaging society. đ
Project manager
Hannah Thein
Hannah is studying a Master program in Open eGovernment at Stockholm University.