Digital tools for effective communication

Workshops and education for inclusion and effective communication.

Purpose of the project

The project’s purpose is to educate activists in the network Hopp i Rörelse in using the digital communications tool Slack through workshops online and offline. The goal is that all active members by the end of the project shall have enough skills in using Slack so that the network can change to Slack from Facebook.

Expected result

  • 11 online-workshops
  • 4 offline workshops
  • 2 video tutorials

Photo by mammovies

Project manager

Samuel Grönvik
Active in the international peace campaign Jaj Jagat 2020 since two years back.

Digidem Open Lab is co-organised with ABF Göteborg, with the support of Allmänna Arsvfonden and the cooperation of Sweden's Municipalities, The Swedish Green Party, The National Council of Swedish Youth Organisations (LSU), Young Media and Unga Rörelsehindrade Gothenburg.