G1000 Gothenburg
Is there anything in Gothenburg that you would like to change? You don’t have to be a politician to do it. As a citizen you can have power over your own city. G1000 is the top meeting of the citizens, a way of finding out what the people of Gothenburg really want and to make it happen with participatory democracy.

The G1000 movement
If politicians can’t find solutions, let the citizens do it. That was the call from a group of independent citizens in Brussels in 2011. G1000 gathers one thousand randomly selected citizens to discuss the future of the country. They thought that democracy should be so much more than just citizens voting for politicians. The G1000 model has spread from Brussels (Belgium) 2011 to Amersfoort (Netherlands) 2014, Madrid (Spain) 2016. In 2018 it will be used in Cambridge (UK). We think that it is time for the movement to establish itself in Gothenburg to develop our democratic system further.
The launch
Yago Bermejo Abati, General Coordinator for G1000 Madrid, came from Spain to give an introduction to the movement and tell us about what they did in 2016.
Evelina Varas will make a performance about the situation for citizens, and the event will finish with a discussion about G1000 and how it can empower the citizens of Gothenburg.
We will form a project group to take the idea further and make the first G1000 event happen in Gothenburg.

Project manager
G1000 Göteborg
G1000 Göteborg was founded by students at Kulturverkstan in cooperation with Digidem Lab.