Loomio for social movements
The climate campaign “Fossilgasfällan” evaluates Loomio for easier decision making.

What is Loomio?
Loomio is an online meeting tool. It’s easy to use and accessible, enabling you to engage with people in a facilitated conversation. Anyone can participate in decisions that affect them.
How will you use it?
The Fossilgasfällan (fossil fuel trap) group, a group of climate campaigners based in Gothenburg, will evaluate the Loomio tool for three months, to facilitate decision making in our group. We will test the tool both in our own group, and in cooperation with other groups.
What kind of results are you hoping for?
We hope that Loomio will make the coordination of our work and decision making easier, as a lot of our work is online. During the project we will document how it works for us and which advantages and disadvantages we see with using it. The aim is to help other groups and campaigns to find methods and tools for better online meetings. The final documentation will be a blog post about the challenges of decision making in a grass roots campaign and an evaluation of Loomio from a campaign perspective.
Project manager

Olivia Linander
Olivia Linander is active in the Fossilgasfällan campaign. She previously worked as a Swedish coordinator for the 350.org campaign.