Open Procurement
A project to open procurement data in Sweden.

What will you do during the project?
We have been successful to collect invoices (procurement data) from municipalities. We are now looking at the other directions to use these data and open it using an open data standard or set standard. I will be working on the following aspects of the project:
- Research possible platforms to publish the existing data.
- Draw insights from the data relevant to local businesses, general people, journalists.
- Advocate about the need to open the procurement data within municipalities.
- Research on guidelines and standards to open procurement data.
- Publish articles and blogs from the findings during the above research work.
What kind of result do you hope for?
From our initiative to open procurement data, we want all the municipalities to adopt open data standards and open procurement data. We also want other stakeholders to use procurement data for evidence.
We also hope to
- create awareness!
- explore what possibilities exist to open this data and what difficulties would exist;
- write guides and set standards to help public actors publish the data easily;
- create prototypes to show what you could do with the data;
- (the end goal) create an ecosystem for innovation around procurement data that benefits all actors involved and saves public money!
Project manager
I am currently pursuing my Master's degree in Strategic Information Systems at Stockholm University. I am from Nepal and I have experience working in various civic tech projects for open local governments and citizens. I am a civic tech enthusiast and love working closely with society, technology, and data. I am an Open Data Institue Registered Trainer and I provide open geographic data/mapping training to the various user groups.