
Citizens' Assembly on Climate with Stockholm University


Stockholms universitet




  • Fairtrans
  • Swedish Environmental Research Institute
  • Lunds Universitet
  • Uppsala Universitet
  • Högskolan i Gävle

Digidem Lab is organising Sweden’s first national citizens’ assembly on climate change, on behalf of Stockholm University.

60 randomly selected people from all over the country will take on the question How should Sweden reduce emissions in accordance with the Paris Agreement? The participants will meet several times during the spring to listen to knowledge from various experts, discuss and come up with proposals and recommendations, which in May will be submitted to the parliamentary parties’ climate policy spokespersons. The project is part of the Fairtrans research programme and is a collaboration between Stockholm University, the University of Gävle, Uppsala University, Lund University and IVL Miljöinsititutet.

Digidem Lab, which has previously organised a citizens’ assembly for the Swedish National Food Agency and worked for the European Commission’s citizens’ assembly, has designed the process and will facilitate the citizens’ assembly sessions.

Sweden's first national climate assembly comes to an end

"Act now" urges Swedish climate assembly.

Read more


Other projects about Citizens' assembly.

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Get in touch to discuss ideas for projects or cooperation.

Ali Tabrizi

+46 703 103 304

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