

Sweden's first national climate assembly comes to an end

2024.05.19 | "Act now" urges Swedish climate assembly.

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Digidem Lab becomes official Decidim partner

2024.05.06 | Partnership with the citizen participation platform Decidim.

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Citizens' Assembly on Climate with the City of Gothenburg

2024.05.01 | Local citizens' assembly for participation in climate issues

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New Nordic Deliberation Partnership

2024.04.16 | In a shared ambition to strengthen the Nordic democracies, the partnership Nordic Deliberation has now been founded.

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New course in local organising

2023.09.07 | Do you want to get new tools to make the difference you or your organisation is working on?

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The Swedish Food Agency organises the first Swedish citizens' assembly!

2023.04.27 | Sweden's first national citizens' panel met for the first time and began its work to produce recommendations for the Swedish Food Agency.

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New report on democratic innovations

2023.02.20 | Since 2020, Digidem Lab is part of the European research consortium Collective Intelligence through Digital Tools (COLDIGIT).

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Finals session for the Conference on the Future of Europe

2022.06.28 | On 9 May 2022, on Europe Day, the Conference on the Future of Europe came to an end marking the end of a unique year of events, debate and deliberation between citizens from across Europe about the kind of Europe they want to live in.

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The Botkyrka dialogue gives local residents a voice

2022.05.30 | The Botkyrka Dialogue, which has been running since 2019, gives the residents of Botkyrka the opportunity to submit suggestions to politicians about things they would like to improve in their district and everyday life.

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COLDIGIT presented at Decidim Fest

2021.11.09 | Digidem Lab presented our work with an international team of researchers at this years DecidimFest.

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Participatory budget in Gothenburg

2019.09.10 | Digidem Lab has translated and adapted the world's most used citizen participation platform Consul. Now Gothenburg becomes the first city in the Nordic countries to use it, for the city district Majorna-Linné.

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Participatory budget for residents

2019.08.01 | Gothenburg's public housing company, Bostadsbolaget, and Digidem Lab creates the first participatory budget process for tenants in the Nordic countries.

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User testing of CONSUL

2018.08.30 | In August 2018 Digidem Lab did user testing of the citizen platform CONSUL for the project Democratic Cities target groups: people born outside of Sweden, women and young people.

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Hybrid democracy

2017.12.01 | During the international workshop "Collective Intelligence 2017" in Madrid, I participated in a project called "Hybrid democracy" where we worked on a model for using citizens' juries.

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Consul Going Worldwide

2017.02.23 | A project to make Madrid's citizen platform accessible and easy to use for a wider audience.

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Official Decidim partner

Partner in Collective Intelligence through Digital Tools

Co-founding partner of Nordic Deliberation Network